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Fredericton Sunrise

Service Above Self

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Wednesdays at 7:00 a.m.
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Partners for Youth
487 Brunswick Street
Fredericton, NB E3B 5L6
We meet Wednesday mornings in person at 7am at the Partners for Youth, 487 Brunswick St. You can also participate online by contacting us at to get the link! Looking forward to meeting you!
Mário César Martins de Camargo calls on members to Unite for Good

The RI president-elect speaks about the power of Rotary’s members

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding freeze

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding

Korea-Japan friendship conference sparks dialogue

Rotary leaders from both countries reflect on the challenges and opportunities of peacebuilding across borders

A pioneer in Black horror fiction resurrects her uncle's history

Former Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar Tananarive Due, a pioneer in Black horror fiction, resurrects history of her forgotten uncle

Home Page Stories

The Rotary Foundation Trustees and RI Board of Directors unanimously approved adding a new area of focus: Supporting the Environment. With a focus on the environment, Rotary has provided its members another avenue to provide positive change in the world, increasing our impact. 

More than $18 million in Foundation global grant funding has been allocated to environment-related projects over the past five years. Supporting the environment becomes Rotary's seventh area of focus, which are categories of service activities supported by global grants. It joins peace building and conflict prevention; disease prevention and treatment; water, sanitation, and hygiene; maternal and child health; basic education and literacy; and community economic development.

Grant applications for projects will be accepted beginning on July 1, 2021.

Careers | Environment | The Open University

Welcome to President Holger Knaack and his partner Susanne!
This new year, we look forward to embracing your vision of making Rotary stronger and more adaptable. Being open to new opportunities for  membership and the communities we serve. Learn more about President Knaack and Susanne:
Rotary Theme: Rotary Opens Opportunities
A Message from President Mark D Maloney 2019-2020 and President-elect Holger Knaack 2020-2021

Dear fellow Rotary members and friends,

The COVID-19 coronavirus is affecting every aspect of our lives in real time, and this puts Rotary members in an unfamiliar place.

As #PeopleofAction, we are most comfortable when we are fully engaged in the world – moving freely, meeting openly, and offering helping hands. These are very difficult times for people who, like us, are at our best when we are learning, growing, and serving—together.

We are also leaders in our communities, and these times call for leadership. In many ways, this also is our time. We have proven abilities to reach out and collaborate to offer immediate help to people in need at a rapid pace. These are precisely the skills needed all over the world today. The global effort against COVID-19 depends on actions taken in every country. Rotary has the unique ability to help improve those efforts in every community and every country.

Using all the technology we have at our disposal, we as Rotarians can continue to reach out and collaborate on big projects with Rotary clubs, Rotaractors, and Interactors. There are a number of examples where Rotary clubs are helping health authorities communicate best practices or provide needed equipment or support that have been shared with our leaders around the world.

As Rotary’s president and president-elect, we have been thinking of these issues very seriously in regard to upcoming Rotary events. As you may be aware, we have made the difficult decision to cancel two Rotary Presidential Conferences honoring our relationship with the United Nations - one in Paris, another in Rome. In the near term, we recommend that Rotary districts and clubs cancel or postpone meetings or events following the advice of national and local health officials.

We know that clubs and districts are seizing the opportunity to become leaders in their communities and are making better use of technology in this time of need. For example, a Rotary e-club in Italy held a live online session about COVID-19 awareness, a Taiwan club worked with companies and a pharmacy association to donate 1,600 bottles of hand sanitizer to the city of Ji-Long, and Rotary clubs in Sri Lanka helped upgrade software and hardware for the health promotion bureau to assist its social messaging.

We cannot know quite yet what path this virus will take. We know we can play a role to help “flatten the curve,” reducing the number of cases in the short term to allow our health systems to address this issue. If the collective global effort helps bring the situation under control, then we hope to re-embrace our core values at the 2020 Rotary Convention in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Our time together will have greater meaning and purpose than ever.

Please know that we are taking a close, continuing look at our plans for the convention in June to make sure all attendees’ safety will be protected. We are following the lead of the world’s most trusted sources, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), for their guidance. We want you to be able to make decisions about what is best for you and your families in terms of attending this year’s event.

In the meantime, this is an opportunity for us to demonstrate that Rotary Connects the World in innovative ways. We should be closely following the advice of the WHO and local health authorities. Again, this includes canceling Rotary club events and meetings in the short term to reduce unnecessary interactions that could cause infections. We can put a greater emphasis on the work we do in our communities by helping our less fortunate neighbors cope with the effects of isolation and fear, or by supporting our health authorities to address this situation.

We are dealing with this situation in real time. Please visit our COVID-19 response page at for ongoing updates.

This is an unprecedented challenge for nearly all of us. But it is also an opportunity for Rotary members to find new, meaningful ways to lead individuals and communities to connect and do good in the world.

We have never been prouder to be part of an organization that does so much to protect and strengthen our communities, at home and across the globe.

Kindest regards,

Mark Daniel Maloney
2019-2020, President, Rotary International

Holger Knaack
2020-21, President, Rotary International


Mark Daniel Maloney, Rotary International President has a vision for building a stronger Rotary, calling on leaders to expand connections to their communities and to embrace innovative membership models. The 2019-20 theme "Rotary Connects the World" fits the deep and meaningful connections that Rotarians are making throughout their community and business interactions.

A Rotarian since 1980, Maloney has been an active member of the Rotary Club of Decatur, Alabama, USA and has served as an RI director; Foundation trustee and vice chair; and aide to 2003-04 RI President Jonathan Majiyagbe. He also has participated in the Council on Legislation as chair, vice chair, parliamentarian, and trainer. He was an adviser to the 2004 Osaka Convention Committee and chaired the 2014 Sydney Convention Committee.

Prior to serving as a district governor, Maloney led a Group Study Exchange to Nigeria.

He also served as Future Vision Committee vice chair; Foundation training institute moderator; Foundation permanent fund national adviser; member of the Peace Centers Committee; and adviser to the Foundation’s Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Schools Target Challenge Committee.

Incoming President, Candace Boone is certainly making connections. As the Chief Engineer at the Delta Hotel, she is making waves in her field and within the hotel industry. Candace will continue shaking things up in her new role as President for the 2019-20 Rotary year as Rotary Connects the World!
2018-19 Rotary year has certainly being an inspiring one. Fredericton Sunrise Rotary added 7 new members, had an extremely successful fundraiser with Beer on the Bridge and have increased our profile and presence within the local community with guest speakers, visits to the Greener Village and The Ville. Sarah has also inspired our members to do more with our trail adoption at O'Dell Park while visiting local breweries as we gear up for our upcoming fundraiser.
Let's put our hands together to THANK YOU Sarah:
President Sarah inducted Antoinette Stewart to the club at our recent business meeting. Antoinette brings a wealth of experience, adding another level of diversity to our club.
President Sarah inducted our newest member, Adekunle Adeyemi, back into the Rotary family. Ade has been an active Rotartact member and now brings his unique skills to the Fredericton Sunrise Rotary family.
October 24, 2018 is END POLIO NOW day. We are so close to eradicating this disease but we need your help. For every dollar raised, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will match two times the amount. This stretches our dollar even further to ensure that all children, no matter their ethnicity, no matter where they live, no matter their economic status can be protected.
Be the Inspiration you want to see...

Fredericton considers craft beer festival on the walking bridge

Sunrise Rotary Club proposes Beer on Bridge as a July fundraiser

Sarah Kilfoil, Regional Director of the York Library Region and Rotarian, spoke to us this morning about what's new with public libraries in the province, including 7 day opening at the Fredericton Public Library and STEAM programming. The library is definitely a happening place!
Rotarians Tim, Nikki & Sarah
Several clubs in the Fredericton District 7810 organized for the Mayor to raise the Rotary Flag at City Hall to celebrate the 111th Anniversary. The flag will fly until March 1st, proudly telling the city that Rotary is a big part of the Community. Mayor Brad Woodside, Paul Harris Fellow, is a very keen supporter of all Rotary does in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, and internationally.  It was a cold winter's day but the sun shone brightly.  
Inline image 1
Photo shows from left to right, Mayor Woodside, David Balmain, President Fredericton North Club, Jean Street, President of Fredericton Sunrise Club, Past District Governor John Carkner of Fredericton Sunrise and Tim Porter, President-elect of the newly formed Hanwell Club.
On April 15, 2015 Bernie Zebarth of FreddyLink provided the Rotary club of Fredericton Sunrise with an overview of its project in Haiti and plans to provide continued support in the coming year (2016). The project links individuals within the Fredericton community with children and families who are in need within specific villages under the COBOCOL and UDICC area development programs in the central plateau region of Haiti. The initiative is spearheaded in collaboration with World Vision.
Bernie Zebarth (guest)
Left to right: Jean Street (president-elect), Nancy Acreman, Bernie Zebarth (guest), Ed Dimayacyac
Ferio Pugliese, President, WestJet Encore, talked about the WestJet Encore Effect and being a presence in the Fredericton market. Mr. Pugliese presented to the Fredericton community on March 23 outlining the presence of the WestJet Encore Effect in Fredericton which should provide to citizens, residents, and visitors alike with the opportunity for lower, competitively fares, while providing better choices for regional travel.
On April 15, the first WestJet Encore flight will be coming to the Fredericton Airport. There will be 2 flights provided daily to Fredericton from Toronto.
The Club was visited by Hugh Kennedy, a representative with the Canadian Foundation for Economic Education. He talked with the club members, as well as Interact members about the Talk with our Kids about Money initiative. 
April 15 has been designated for parents, schools to talk with middle-school and high-school aged students able money matters, how to be responsible at any age!
This was a great presentation with an engaging discussion followed. Also in attendance were our Assistant District Governor, Jerry Misener and his wife Adeline.
Mark Wilson, senior project manager and principal at Stantec presented the findings ona five-year research project on alternative energy sources - Powershift Atlantic. The primary objective is to determine if wind generation could be more effectively used by shifting usage of customer equipment. This project is the first in the world to explore this venture. This leading edge project won both national and international awards.
Picture: Harry Bohnsack, Mark Wilson, Nicole Whyte (President)
At this week's meeting, we were honoured to have Martin Parnell (motivational speaker and Right to Play advocate) present on his five-year initiative Quest for Kids, which is raising funds for disadvantaged children to have the Right to Play globally. Martin is truly an inspiring and dynamic speaker who had us motivated in doing even more with helping children at risk.
Later that day, the 24-hour tennis marathon was held at the Abony Family Tennis Center; his first opponent was our very own Premier Brian Gallant.
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